‘During Bill's lifetime he didn't get many breaks, but for once, when he needed a good break most...he got one. The Puget Sound Guardians were assigned to his care.’ -Client Family Member
Executive Staff
Executive Staff Team:
Karen began her work with PSG in 1996 and has been serving as Executive Director since 2012. She is a graduate of University of Puget Sound as a Business Major, she also earned a Certificate in Fundraising from University of Washington and attended Marquette University Business School. Giving her time and skills in service to the community has been a lifelong passion and continues to be a priority. She has been an active member on a diverse number of boards that empower and improve the community from mental health services, to being an ally to the marginalized to supporting the arts. As the Director of PSG, Karen has the oversight of all client and staff matters. Karen Klem Newland, CPG Executive Director